Company Profile

Company name Kozosushi Co., LTD.(Japanese:株式会社 小僧寿し)
Date of establishment February 18, 1972
Stock market listing Tokyo Stock Exchange Standard Market (Date of Listing: June 9, 1994) Securities Code 9973
Capital 511,000,000 yen
Number of shares Outstanding 162,536,610 shares
Fiscal year end December (annual)
Head office 1-5-6 Nihonbashi Kakigaracho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0014, Japan
Tel: +81-3-4586-1122 (Main Reception)
Number of employees Full-time employees: 107 / Part-time employees 754 (calculated on an 170-hour monthly basis)
[as of Aug. 31, 2021]
Business activities Manufacture and sale of sushi and boxed lunches and supply of raw materials and training as franchiser to franchisees.
No. of stores
(stores) FC
Kozosushi – 71 / FC: 115
Chagetsu – 5 / FC: 6
Curry house Spicy – 5 Shunyo-do – 1 Total – 121 / FC: 203
[as of Aug. 31, 2021]
Directors President: Masanori Morishita
Director: Takayuki Miura
Director: Koichirou Yoshida
Director: Takanari Nakashima
Director: Naoki Kobayashi
Director: Shigeto Komiya
Director: Wataru Nakao
Director: Eiji Kawakami
Director: Yoshihisa Mouri
Auditor (full-time) Tomihiko Ozaki
Auditor Satoshi Murata
Auditor Ryuko Saito
Group companies 【Consolidated subsidiaries】
Tokyo Kozosushi Co., Ltd.
Chagetsu Higashi Nihon Co., Ltd.
(manufacture, sale, home-delivery of sushi and operator of franchising business)